- Anadolu Isuzu: Produces commercial vehicles in Kocaeli since 1965. Headquarters are in Kocaeli also. http://www.isuzu.com.tr/MainPage
- B.M.C.: Produces trucs in İzmir since 1964. Headquarters are in Izmir also. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMC_%28Turkey%29
- Ford Otosan: Produces cars in İzmit for 48 years. Headquarters are in Istanbul. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Otosan
- Hattat: tractor production company. http://www.hattattarim.com.tr/
- Hyundai Assan: Production of Hyundai cars is handled in İzmit. http://www.kibarholding.com/sektor/hyundai_assan.aspx
- Karsan: They focus on public transportation and commercial vehicles. Sometimes they built cars for army if there is demand. The factories are in Bursa http://www.karsan.com.tr/default.aspx
- M.A.N. Türkiye: Truck and bus production company. The production handled in Istanbul and Ankara. http://www.tr.man-mn.com/tr/_irketimiz_hakk_nda/man_t_rkiye_a._/MAN_T_rkiye_A._.html
- M.Benz Turk: In Ankara and Aksaray, they manufcture busses and Trucks. http://www.mercedes-benz.com.tr/content/turkey/mpc/mpc_turkey_website/tr/home_mpc/passengercars/home/world/about/locations.0003.html
- Otokar: Commercial and miltairy vehicles produced in Sakarya. http://www.otokar.com.tr/en/
- Oyak-Renault: Factories for Renault cars are in Bursa. Headquarters are in Istanbul. http://www.otokar.com.tr/en/
- Temsa Global: Produces vehicles for public transportation in Bursa. Offices are in Istanbul http://www.temsaglobal.com.tr/tr/default.aspx
- TOFAŞ: Produces cars and semi products for Jeep, Ferrari, Ford, Dacia and Maserati. Factories are in Bursa, management is in Istanbul http://www.tofas.com.tr/en/Pages/default.aspx
- Toyota: Toyota cars are factoried in Istanbul. The offices are also there. http://www.toyota.com.tr/
- Türk Traktör: The production and management facilities in Ankara. http://www.turktraktor.com.tr/
Efekan Güven
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